Конспект внеклассного мероприятия в формате имитационной игры


Тема внеклассного мероприятия: Искусство
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 9
Тип учебного занятия: Формирования и усвоения новых знаний
Вид учебного занятия: Практикум
Проблема: Нравственный выбор
Цели урока: Образовательная: создание рекомендаций по использованию различных стратегий мышления в поиске оптимального решения.
Развивающая: обучение умению работать в команде и примерять на себя различные роли в процессе сотрудничества,Воспитательная: формированиеспособности к определению своей позиции и ответственному поведению в современном обществе.
Планируемый результат: Составление аргументированного монологического высказывания по сформулированной проблеме
Формы организации учебной деятельности: Фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая
Используемые технологии: Имитационная игра


I Орг. Момент. Этап мотивации (самоопределения) к учебной деятельности. (прием отсроченной догадки)

Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Look at the following quotation: “Few people go to art exhibitions nowadays, the art comes to them!” How can art come to us?

Students: People can view works of art in the Internet.

          Students: We can find different paintings in books.

          Students: We may run across pictures in the street on the walls.

Teacher: Yes, of course. How can we call these pictures?

Students: Graffiti.

  1. II. Актуализация и фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном действии (проблемная ситуация)

Teacher: What do we know about it? Look at the following statements and mark them as true or false in the first column. (Students will have 2 minutes to do this task individually).

Before Statements After
1.    Graffiti appeared in the 20th century.
2.    Graffiti has a few styles.
3.    In all countries graffiti is legal.
4.    People’s attitude to graffiti is ambiguous.


Teacher: Which statements are false, in your opinion?

Students: №2, № 3, №4.

Teacher: Who thinks differently?

Students: №1 and № 3.

Teacher: So your opinions are divided. Read the text (Приложение 2) and mark the statement as true or false in the last column. In 5 minutes, be ready to present your ideas.

Students: True statement is №4, all the others are false.

Teacher: Now work in groups and tell about the differences in the first and third columns one by one in the following way: “I have thought that…., but now I know that…..” Each will have 1 minute to speak up.

Students: I have thought that graffiti appeared in the 20th century, now I know that it is true about the modern one, but its origin goes back to ancient times.

III Этап выявления места и причины затруднений (составление алгоритма)

Teacher: Why is people’s attitude to graffiti is different? Can we look at this problem from different angles?

Students: In the text we can find the opinions of governments, ordinary citizens and street artists.

Teacher: Now think it over “Is graffiti vandalism or a kind of art?” and decide whose opinion you would like to present. When I say “start”, you should write down who you are, your position and reasons (use the text and add more). In 2 minutes you’ll take your notes and go to the corner you’ve chosen: “Governments”, “Citizens”, “Graffitists”.

Students: Now I see you’ve made your choice, work in groups or in pairs, one by one express your opinion.

Teacher: Your time is up. Take your seats. Now look at photos of graffiti in our city (you’ made or found). Are they works of art o vandalism? What do graffitists think?

Graffitists: it is art, just our way to express ourselves.

Teacher (moderator): What about citizens’ opinion?

Citizens: Well, I do understand that artistic creativity is important, but I live in the street and it is not appealing to the eye. It has no meaning.

Citizens: Besides, it doesn’t correspond with the architectural idea.

Citizens: Moreover, I can see curse words there, that’s why I consider this graffiti vulgar.

Government: We can’t but agree. Judging by these pictures people may come to the conclusion about the rate of culture in this region, it teaches nothing good.

Government: Excuse my interrupting you, but we must say that removing these spray paintings from walls will cause a lot of money. Why not to paint on paper?

Graffitists: You have a point here. But we are crazy about big scales and it is impossible to paint with spray at home.

Government: What’s more, some of the pictures mock public transport and you have no right to do that.

Graffitists: We see what you mean, but we have other works that can’t be underestimated.

Moderator: Let us take a look at them.

Citizens: We have nothing against these works. The first one encourages people to be thankful to doctors.

Citizens: Moreover, such images as in the second one contribute to patriotic education. My grandchildren asked me who it was.

Citizens: Let me say, this graffiti adds value to my property.

Citizens: Even if you are a passerby, you understand that it decorates the old bedraggled street.

Government: So, you see, if you, street artists, perform our task, everyone is pleased.

Graffitists: However, we can’t only do what we have been asked. Our art is the voice of the streets, which acts as an indicator of the culture of a city.

Government: Excuse me, but that’s not quite correct. You have to admit that we have one mutual aim to make our city more beautiful.

IV Этап построение проекта выхода из создавшейся ситуации (обсуждение)

Moderator: All in all, we are all citizens and it is up to us to achieve a happy medium.

Government: If you don’t mind, let us decide on the place, style, meaning.

Citizens: We are not against professional spray painting of celebrities on our private property.

Government: Let me just respond to that, please. We promise to define “free walls” in our city. If you want to decorate it, you should first show your sketches.

Citizens: Will you let us vote for the best ones?

Government: Yes, of course.

V Этап рефлексии учебной деятельности (корректировка первоначальной цитаты)

Teacher: So, graffiti is quite a debatable issue. Let us complete the quote so that it can’t provoke any disagreement.

Students: Few people go to art exhibitions nowadays, the art comes to them to the right place and in the right style!

Teacher: You are absolutely right! Thank you.


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